Sunday, October 9, 2011

I spoke to the sun

Once I saw the sun rising between two buildings,

I looked at him shining with all its glory, giving light to people in darkness.
He looked at me back and asked “Why are you shining so much today?”

Maybe he hasn’t seen me before, or did I really have a new shine in me then?
I smiled. I knew the answer.  He smiled. Cuz even he knew it.

I told with pride that its cuz I have my friend.
So the sun asked “What is it like to have a friend?”
I said, having a friend is the best thing that could ever happen in anyone's life.

Friendship is like walking on seashore during sunset teasing each other and holding her hand, feeling secured that she will be there even when others fail.
Friendship is like jumping into the water, mostly pushed into, where the moments of fear will vanish when she jumps after.
Friendship is like sitting next to her in classroom, still texting each other, just because the smile we get on our face when we read those meaningless texts after we get back home.
Friendship is like the emotion you get when anyone asks her for an extra pen, she gives them the third one, keeping the second one for you.
Friendship is when she is ready to take even three of us in her vehicle, though I have a vehicle, jus because she doesn’t want to leave me alone for few seconds too.
Friendship is like a block in a jigsaw, without which your puzzle of life can never be solved.

The sun smiled at me and said, “Now I see why I saw you brighter than myself this morning!”
I turned to my side, my friend was holding my hand. We smiled at the sun back and left.


  1. anisha it was nostalgic .... and u will become a great screen play writer ur expression of words and ease of delivery are ur strong points .....

  2. danku annaaaaaa... :D
    with ur blessings always :D
    @vino and sathya na :D

  3. Well written and wonderfully thought! :)

    A friend in need is a friend indeed!

    Keep writing! Cheers \m/

  4. \m/ sure :D danku for t comment :)

  5. brilliant and beautiful..keep posting..all the best..
